Sunday, 19 August 2018

Monitor Your IoT Devices with AWS

Organize, manage and monitor your Internet of Things devices with Amazon Web Services.

Those of us in the tech industry constantly hear talk of the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) revolution. While it’s easy to dismiss all of this talk as being little more than vendor hype, two things have recently become apparent to me.

First, IoT has become far more pervasive than I had ever stopped to think. Recently, the main IP address scope used by my DHCP server ran out of addresses. When I started digging into the problem, I realized that the problem was largely being caused by the IoT devices on my network. Keep in mind that I work out of my home, but even so, there were enough IoT devices in use that the devices managed to deplete all of the available IP addresses on my network.

The other thing that I’ve been thinking about lately is that traditional management and monitoring techniques don’t really work for IoT devices. Think about it for a moment. As IT pros, we might use an SNMP-based tool to monitor our network infrastructure hardware. Similarly, we might use an agent-based or WinRM-based tool to keep tabs on the PCs and the Windows Servers on our network. However, these techniques don’t work very well for IoT devices. Few IoT devices support SNMP, and I’ve never seen an IoT device that supports WinRM or that allows a management agent to be installed.

Thankfully, Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a way to keep tabs on your IoT devices. The AWS IoT Device Management service lets you organize, manage and monitor your IoT devices. You can, for example, group your IoT devices into a series of categories, and you can check device health or perform bulk operations such as applying firmware updates to a collection of devices. You can see an example of what the AWS IoT dashboard looks like in Figure 1.

[Click on image for larger view.]Figure 1. This is what the AWS IoT dashboard looks like.

Although the AWS IoT dashboard holds tremendous potential, the device onboarding process can be challenging, to say the least. There are a couple of reasons for this.

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Article Credit: Virtualization

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The post Monitor Your IoT Devices with AWS appeared first on Statii News.


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