Monday, 12 February 2018

How to protect an organisation: 5 cyber security tips

If businesses want to protect themselves from cyber threats, they must stay one step ahead of the ever-evolving and changing world of cybercrime

How to protect an organisation

How to protect an organisation

At the beginning of each new year there is no shortage of information security predictions and warnings. As we move further into 2018, Corey Nachreiner, CTO at WatchGuard Technologies takes stock and identifies five key issues to look out for.

1. IoT botnets will force governments to regulate

In 2016, the Mirai botnet showed the world just how powerful an army of IoT devices can be, launching successful, record-breaking DDoS attacks against popular websites like Twitter, Reddit and Netflix. Attackers continue to target these devices due to their weak or non-existent security, both in development and deployment.

“Attackers have already started improving on the Mirai source code, which will mean larger and stronger botnets in 2018. For example, the Reaper botnet actively exploits common vulnerabilities in IoT devices to gain access to the devices instead of relying on a hard-coded credential list,” said Corey Nachreiner.

“As attacks continue to grow in effectiveness, the damage they cause will grow until the IoT manufacturing industry is incentivised or forced to add stronger security to their products by government regulation to address IoT security.”

Potential IoT device regulation will most likely affect manufacturers of consumer-grade IoT devices first and will likely mirror similar liability-oriented regulations in other industries, where the manufacturer is held at least partially accountable for flaws in their products.

2. Expect Linux-targeted attacks to double

In WatchGuard’s Q1 2017 Internet Security Report, Linux malware represented 36% of the top malware and the volume of network software exploits targeting Linux systems increased throughout the year. Research from WatchGuard’s Threat Lab’s honeynet also discovered many telnet and SSH attacks targeting Linux-based systems, similar to the Mirai IoT botnet.

This suggests we will see a further dramatic increase in attacks targeting Linux systems in 2018, driven by the desire to target inexpensive IoT devices using embedded Linux and released with highly insecure defaults.

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Article Credit: IA

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