Monday, 29 May 2017

3 Marketing Assets That Are Still Underutilized by Businesses

Being in a competitive market is not always a bad thing. A competitive market is usually a signal of good growth and plenty of opportunities; after all, businesses don’t enter a new market unless there are profits to be made. However, it also means having to go the extra mile to stay ahead of the competition.

Aside from better resource planning, marketing is a handy instrument to have when competing in a fierce market. Unfortunately, many businesses still fail to utilize their best marketing assets. What are the top three most underutilized marketing assets available today?



Employees are always on the leading edge of marketing and branding. You can’t expect your business to be known for its characteristics and strong presence when the employees don’t represent those characteristics. Even worse, not many businesses take active steps towards preparing their employees for better marketing purposes.

Some of the most successful companies on the market have employees who are proud of where they work. Those who work at Google, for instance, are always more than willing to tell stories about how great Google is as a company. This is a powerful branding and marketing opportunity that is not to be missed.

Employees are more important than ever now that social media is very popular. The easiest way to get started with marketing through employees is by creating a better working environment. A pleasant working environment, paired with reinforcement of the business’s culture and values, can turn team members into marketers.


The tools you use to complete projects and customers’ orders are also great marketing instruments to utilize. The better the equipment you use, the more professional you will appear in the eyes of clients. I know many businesses believe expertise and skills matter more, but it is difficult to negate the fact that good tools are great for marketing.

Investing in great equipment also brings additional advantages to your marketing efforts. For starters, you can put forward your attention to safety with the right safety gear. Businesses in the welding industry are starting to turn to top names such as Welding Outfitter for better equipment and safety gear to gain this advantage.

Improved craftsmanship and attention to detail are two additional values that can be emphasized through the use of high-quality equipment. Skills matter, but having the right tools for the job will add that touch of professionalism to your brand.

Quality (and Your Customers)

The last element on our list is quality. The quality of your products and customer experience are powerful marketing tools that must not be taken lightly. Satisfied customers are the best way to get more business. Similar to employees and their social media posts, customers are also more eager to share their positive experience and reviews, attracting more potential customers to your business.

Combined – and when used properly – these three marketing assets can really push your business forward. You can stop worrying about a competitive market and start focusing on making the most out of the marketing assets you have to maintain a competitive advantage.

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The post 3 Marketing Assets That Are Still Underutilized by Businesses appeared first on Statii News.


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