Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Performance-enhancing drugs during the session

The session is a very stressful period of time for many students around the world. Some are simply afraid of failures; hence, they are looking to find some methods to complete the whole process. Students use performance-enhancing and nootropic drugs in order to get a good performance.

What is a student doping? This concept of the order of ten years ago arose in the American media due to the fact that many students of prestigious US universities regularly use various stimulants to improve their academic performance. In the English-language Internet, you can find hundreds of pages discussing whether it is worth using tablets from attention deficit disorder during the preparation for exams, the stories of seasoned people and articles with headlines “Will Ritalin Make You an Excellent?» An Essayist Cody Delistrati suggested that Ritalin and the Adderall respond to the cultural demand of the era of increased productivity that they correspond to the present development of civilization, just as LSD was a product of the 1960s, and ecstasy responded to the demands of the incredibly accelerated 1990s. Many researchers attribute the phenomenon of student doping – this is also called “cosmetic neurology” or smart drugs, – with a high social load, lying on Western students.

Nootropic drugs have already ceased to be the lot of geeks, as it was just a few years ago. They quickly became fashionable among students and freelancers, and today have become common for many other layers of the population. The share of nootropic drugs on the world pharmacological market is more than 1 billion dollars and continues to grow rapidly. Of course, there is nothing to be surprised about. If there are tablets that promise to make you smarter and more focused, then you will most likely take them – provided that the risks do not outweigh the benefits (after all, will you?)

True, nootropics by themselves have not made anyone smarter, but to cope with training loads, successfully pass a session, term papers, get out alive from a time trouble, or better perform the everyday tasks of an intellectual worker, they seem to be helping. Nevertheless, “it seems” here – not from excessive delicacy.

There is bad and good news. Let us start with the first: the effectiveness of most nootropic drugs, common in the Russian market, has not been confirmed by serious clinical trials. Proponents of evidence-based medicine, as a rule, draw from this conclusion that taking nootropics is simply useless. But a simple statement here cannot be confined.

Now the good news: many nootropics really help. Of course, the significance of the placebo effect has not been canceled, but in the case of nootropics, it can be argued that there are other reasons.

In general, responses about nootropics are more than contradictory. Intellect is too complex a human property, which, moreover, strongly depends on heredity. Therefore, it is unlikely to improve it simply with the help of chemical compounds.

Nootropics can temporarily pull up individual intellectual abilities – for example, memory or concentration – but at the same time weaken other brain functions and cause addiction. As a result, without the help of magic tablets, you generally forget how to think well.

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The post Performance-enhancing drugs during the session appeared first on Statii News.

source http://news.statii.co.uk/performance-enhancing-drugs-during-the-session/

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