DevOps is a work culture that enriches the workflow between the development and operations teams of any given workplace. The mode of thinking provides new ways of problem solving and offers up fresh ideas to corporate fluff. No company understands this better than Sogeti, who provide quality DevOps testing services and offer full support to any company looking to protect assets or heighten company efficiency.
Ultimately, DevOps is centred around giving businesses a boost through a combination of engineering, monitoring and automation. Consequently, here are 7 tools being used and developed for DevOps today.
Mostly operating as a beginner’s tool, GIT is essential for anyone looking to familiarise themselves with DevOps. It works as a version control system that can work both manually and under automation. Either way, it helps company firewalls, routers and servers become more robust, secure and efficient. It also enables a faster release cycle, keeping companies safe without sacrificing their brand efficacy.
Running a business is demanding, and owners need to monitor their operations. Now, it’s finally possible through easier means. This is where the Puppet system comes in, allowing a thorough inspection of company infrastructure and software. You can also share and test data across all platforms, providing a deeper and more enriching insight into how things are going.
While monitoring is important, communication is key too. Jenkins is the tool of the bug-ridden developer, helping them problem solve with colleagues and peers through a web-based GUI. The handy integrations system also lets you streamline your pipeline into a single work flow, and deal with each technical glitch as they come through repeated automation.
Enov 8
Built primarily as an organisational tool, Enov 8 makes information management and data accumulation much easier. Whether it’s ironing out the meticulous details of release event planning or managing the central dashboards and reporting systems, it’s all more accessible and manageable. At last, this software pinpoints the essentials of the more overwhelming tasks.
An incident management system, Pagerduty is another tool built for simultaneous security and efficiency practices. It provides a more in-depth window into a company’s critical systems, while also providing real-time alerts after detecting incidents anywhere on the development line. In the end, a program like this is another pair of eyes.
A tool for those more proficient with DevOps, Ansible is a linchpin of automation techniques. Automation obviously enables development and operations teams to attend other matters, boosting productivity. Additionally, Ansible avoids convoluted and repetitive tasks (or at least does them for you), trimming the fat around day to day operations.
Code Climate
A development and operations team with weak code isn’t going anywhere fast. Put simply, code is the foundation of any business dealing in tech and must be prioritised. Consequently, Code Climate is the most useful in this regard, running regular audits and safety checks on the status of the company code. Progress and fix tracking tools make this the standout system by far.
The post 7 Tools Being Used/Developed for DevOps Right Now appeared first on Statii News.
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