Thursday, 31 May 2018

FinancialForce Announces Global Sales and Implementation Partnership with Appirio

FinancialForce, a leading customer-centric ERP cloud vendor built on the Salesforce Platform,  announced a global sales and implementation partnership with Appirio, a Wipro company. This will help enable companies competing in the new services economy to leverage FinancialForce cloud technology to respond more rapidly to customer demands.


The burgeoning new services economy demands a shift in the way businesses reach, and serve, customers. Professional services companies must find the right balance in revenue growth and customer satisfaction to increase agility and drive success.

The partnership will offer enhanced customer-centricity to professional services teams or companies. Appirio’s deep experience with the Salesforce Platform, coupled with FinancialForce’s PSA solution, provides a total solution to customers. It will help service organizations cope with the many pressures regularly encountered,  including optimizing billable utilization, revenue, average project margin, customer satisfaction and backlog management.

“Appirio’s strategy has many synergies with FinancialForce, making it an ideal global partner to offer customer-centric solutions to the market,” said Johnny Ola, Vice President, Global Alliances and Business Development at FinancialForce. “With the prevalence of everything-as-a-service business models, we’re confident we will continue to offer a global, industry-leading solution to enable customer success. We’re excited to drive further growth and success with this partnership.”

Braden Larmon, Vice President Global Alliances at Appirio added, “Partnering with FinancialForce was a natural evolution for us. We are both committed to ensuring professional services companies have the best chance of success and can compete effectively as everything-as-a-service models continue to thrive. We look forward to working together offering robust solutions to customer-centric companies around the world.”

FinancialForce PSA is the highest customer-rated PSA solution for enterprise organizations and offers a single services app for all project stakeholders. It offers increased visibility for customers across sales, services delivery and finance to help keep projects on time, customers happy and reports up-to-date.

FinancialForce and Appirio have a long history of working together. In 2011 FinancialForce acquired PS Enterprise from Appirio to form what is now FinancialForce PSA. Appirio is now a FinancialForce PSA customer which uses the solution as their own consulting operations system.

As FinancialForce continues on its growth path, the company is gearing up for Community Live, an annual gathering of customers,  industry leaders, and product experts for a dialogue on business strategy, educational sessions, and networking. The conference will take place from June 25-27 in Las Vegas, NV. For more information on Community Live and to register to attend, visit

Salesforce and others are among the trademarks of, Inc.

Source: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire

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4 Key Takeaways from IoT World 2018

IoT World 2018 in Santa Clara united thousands of organizations and attendees, hundreds of speakers and exhibitors and dozens of IoT startups. It’s one of those yearly events where you can meet all cross-industry giants at one place – Microsoft, SAP, Avnet, Boeing, UPS, MasterCard, Bank of America, T Mobile, Google, Amazon, Comcast, General Electronics, etc., and take a peek at the image of the future they suggest.

The IoT For All team covered five notable companies that stood out at IoT World this year. I’d like to take a closer look at a different angle and discuss four major cross-cutting themes of the event.

  1. The power of data
  2. Building an IoT ecosystem
  3. Synergy between IoT and other technologies
  4. Market expansion

Now, let’s move to more details and real business cases.

1. The Power of Data

Data is one of the core pillars in IoT. I’ve already brought up the staggering opportunities IoT data brings to enterprises, governments, and entire countries.

Not surprisingly, data was the center of attention at the event. Speakers and panelists unanimously called data the new gold. Industry leaders envisioned business and industry growth using insights, suggested that companies learn how to understand data and use both new and legacy data, and showed examples with real revenues.

One such speaker was Juan Perez, Chief Information Officer and Chief Engineering Officer at UPS, who showed us how the clever use of IoT data helps UPS save millions of dollars every year.

Juan Perez defined the value of data analytics by a series of insightful examples. At UPS, analysis of sensor data allows them to optimize delivery driver routes, package tracking, and maintenance schedules. This approach helps the company receive impressive bottom line numbers: by reducing one mile per driver a day, for example, the delivery giant saves up to $50 million in the course of a year.

Analytics … is taking raw data and making that raw data be converted into insight, so we can make better decisions. We live by this day in and day out.

– Juan Perez

This vivid example of UPS shows us how a delivery company – and today also a serious technology company – relies on IoT and data strategy not only to improve efficiency, but to completely reinvent operations and processes and reach formerly unavailable performance standards.

2. Building an IoT Ecosystem

The whole event in Santa Clara projected the concept of an IoT ecosystem for over the course of 4 days. Multiple platforms, products, hardware and software, new standards and connectivity solutions, vendors and innovative ideas represent what can be called an emerging IoT environment.

Avnet, one of the leading global technology companies and a chief sponsor of the event, highlighted the importance of building a unified environment and creating an IoT ecosystem.

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Article Credit: IotForAll

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AI And IoT Lead The Way For Enterprise New Tech Investment In 2018

According to a recent survey from SADA Systems of IT professionals at large companies, artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of things (IoT) are the primary areas of focus for enterprise investments in new tech in 2018. Of the 500 IT professionals surveyed, 38% claimed that AI was the primary focus of emerging tech projects, with IoT and blockchain coming in at 31% and 10%, respectively.

IoT connected devices often generate the dizzying amounts of data necessary to train machine learning models. Of companies surveyed, more have IoT workflows already in production than AI. This is because a stable IoT and edge computing foundation are often prerequisites for enterprises to break ground on a machine learning model in the first place, though recent cloud PaaS rollouts of pre-built, adaptable ML models are shaking up the landscape for development.

A study by Vanson Bourne (via Forbes) details that enterprises are primarily investing in AI to improve customer experiences and drive revenue through product innovation. But roadblocks to successful implementation are still aplenty.

Breaking Down Barriers To AI Investment

The question that opens an enterprise’s wallet for AI investment is not just, “How can we implement a machine learning model?” Instead, it’s, “How can we implement a machine learning model that adds value to our bottom line?” Failing to answer this question can lead to wasted dollars and dead-end projects.

Although AI leads the way in new tech investment, there are still plenty of pitfalls for enterprise implementation. In a CIO article, Chris Curran notes that issues with leadership, alignment with business goals and the lack AI-skilled engineers can cause projects to stop dead in their tracks. Companies need to make sure that leadership understands the business case for investment and that a specific department leader spearheads AI development rather than letting small, fractured AI projects flare out across departments.

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Article Credit: Forbes

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A Bitcoin Halvening Is Two Years Away — Here’s What’ll Happen To The Bitcoin Price

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An ‘Emergency Sale’ of Bitcoins Just Earned $14 Million for German Law Enforcement

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Wednesday, 30 May 2018


Imagine going forward in time 10 years. How will the technologies evolving today change the way we work? What will enterprise resource planning (ERP) in 2028 look like? Production planning for most process manufacturing companies has always been one of the most difficult problems for ERP solutions to solve. There has been much effort over the years to provide functionality to assist planners in making optimum decisions: material requirement planning (MRP), MRPII, theory of constraints (TOC), Kanban and Lean to name a few, and now the latest innovation: demand-driven material requirement planning (DDMRP). But when one solution seems to provide an answer to the planning conundrum, markets, consumers or customers change the rules, the planning horizons shrink and supply chain complexity increases. You may have noticed I used the word “assist” since the planner in the factory of today still provides most of the decision making. Planning is very complex and requires consideration of many independent, yet loosely connected, influences as those who read the blog “A day in the life of Kenny the production planner“ will already have realized.


So, what for the future? Now that we have the ‘digital string’ to connect all aspects involved in the planning process and the possibility for artificial intelligence (AI) to make decisions for us, will the human planner be a thing of the past?

The following is the last in a series of visionary anecdotal stories set in 2028. This is the story of Kenny, Head of Planning at SPS.


Kenny glanced at his framed planning MS Excel spreadsheet, which was hanging on the office wall as he looked out over the production fields. Quality drones were buzzing around taking samples and planting drones were seeding, irrigating and fertilizing the fields with incredible accuracy. The harvester drones hovered just above the ground, carefully picking, cleaning and sorting the crop, then feeding their production data directly to Kenny’s console.

Kenny could remember when he had to guess what to make the night before then change it all when the pre-final and final orders arrived. He kind of missed that chaos. Now, a single light flashed indicating WASACO had updated their order and that feed was coming directly from the retailers and depot management systems. This was 24-hour updating. No longer were there six, eight and 10 O’clock cutoffs. Now, everything happened continuously. Another light flashed on the console. It was an update in weather prediction which was followed by a third alert that was picking up a change in social behavior and media coverage. “There must be a big event happening somewhere or perhaps a notorious chef was doing a show on healthy summer foods,” Kenny thought to himself as the predicted output to depot 19 increased by 15 percent.

Kenny could see the LEDs flicker on the various AI units. Weather, social media, population demography, history, everything was being considered as they analyzed and pooled their results. The graphics on the console lit up in greens, ambers and reds in front of Kenny’s eyes, showing him how the predictions were changing. The data transmission icon flashed as the new production plans were being fed to the harvesters, packing plant and distribution vehicles and drones.

Feeling supernumerary, Kenny glanced back at his spreadsheet hanging on the wall and smiled. He still had the final say as he looked at the data, leaned across the terminal and pressed the APPROVE button.


The simple answer is no. This is not far-fetched at all. In fact, most of these individual technologies exist or are developing rapidly due to increases in computing power and drive for digitization

  • Planting drones – Already being used for forest planting with one company already having planted more than 25,000 trees across the globe using drones.
  • Social media events – Forecasting solutions already handle spikes and trends based on events. In fact, I know of a sandwich factory who change the forecasts for highway service stations based on whether the soccer teams are playing away or at home.
  • Artificial intelligence – There is a long way to go before an AI unit replaces the complexity of the human brain and our senses. In areas such as planning though, where it is mostly a computational problem with vast amounts of data to consider, we may be a lot closer than we think.
  • Drone harvesters – All be it on a small scale, it happened in September 2017 and the prediction from the industry is for autonomous harvesting by 2024.
  • Irrigation, spraying and inspection by drones – Already happening here in the UK.

So, having established that most the solutions in the story will ultimately be possible 10 years from now, it will certainly be a period of high impact change, therefore, I will leave you with a quote from Mr. Bill Gates:

“Drones overall will be more impactful than I think people recognize, in positive ways to help society.”

If you enjoyed this blog, then please look out for my other blogs about ERP 2028.

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The Great Leveler Summary – Walter Scheidel

The Great Leveler Summary  – The overriding thought – in the West at least – is that democracy and capitalism have improved the lives of modern citizens. Democracy, in principle, promotes fairness and equality among the members of a society, and capitalism has extended the ownership of property beyond the rich and the noble.

This article suggests that the historical evidence points to the contrary: the rise of capitalism and democracy have failed to solve the problem of inequality. The author provides a plethora of examples from different societies and time periods from around the world to illustrate how terrible events and disasters have actually played a bigger role in dealing with inequality.

By going through the historical efforts by governments to curb inequality – and their consequent outcomes – you’ll be better informed as to how you can help in today’s fight to build a more equal world.

The ice age was a difficult period for humanity. When it finally ended, you’d expect that our lives would’ve gotten better. Yet, while in some ways they did, not all the changes that came with the improved climate were positive.

As the last ice age came to an end some 11,700 years ago, we entered a period of climate stability known as the Holocene. During this time, humans who had settled in Middle East began cultivating the land and producing food, eventually resulting in a surplus. This marked the start of disequalization, as some began to accumulate larger areas of land and more food resources while employing others to work on their property. The structure of society was beginning to take shape.

In contrast to earlier hunter-gatherer societies in which power was spread equally and horizontally, the new society that emerged during the Holocene was structured hierarchically, with stark differences between rich and poor. Evidence for this discrepancy comes from archeological remains dating back 11,000 years, showing for the first time large differences in household sizes. In addition, the fish bones found in the perimeter of the larger households indicate that these people were eating large fish, whereas in the smaller houses, small fish were the norm.

In addition to the increased quality of life, technological improvements also impacted societies for the worse. Not even smaller tribal communities could escape inequality. During the period AD 500-700, the Chumash tribe – who lived on the Californian coast – developed a new type of canoe that increased the number of fishermen journeying out into the deep sea to catch fish. In no time, men, who controlled and managed the canoes, rose to dominate the tribe. Males secured control over tribal land, religious ceremonies and the war-making. As gratitude for their safety, other members of the tribe offered the male chiefs key trade items such as food and shells.

As you can see, inequality has been around for a long time – brought about by increased quality of life as well as technological advancements. In the next blink, we’ll see what continued to drive this divide.

Today we hear plenty of talk about the one percent of the population controlling the majority of the money available in the world, but that wasn’t always the case……..

To Read The Great Leveler Summary completely  sign up to Blinkist for free (Click here)

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Transtar Autobody Technologies Consolidates Software Needs with DEACOM ERP

Deacom, Inc., the developer of a comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, has recently kicked off implementation with Transtar Autobody Technologies, a manufacturer of one of the most extensive repair, refinish, and detail product lines for the automotive aftermarket. Centralizing operations with Deacom’s ERP platform is a great example of Transtar’s dedication to developing, producing, and marketing quality products.


“Running our business on a module-based ERP system has forced us to move much of our daily work outside of the main software,” said Dennis Redies, Director of IT for Transtar Autobody Technologies. “Much of what we do relies on formulation and quality control but relying on these silos of data was challenging our ability to service our customers at the level we hold ourselves to. We needed to improve the ways in which we collected, analyzed, and applied data – including customer feedback.”

During ERP evaluations, the ability to keep all functions of the business within a single piece of software is what drove Transtar’s decision to select DEACOM ERP. By creating one of the industry’s largest set of manufacturing-specific, native capabilities, DEACOM is able to deliver users a thorough view of business operations with real-time data. For example, when Transtar alters a paint formula, it is instantly reflected in the inventory, production, and MRP data so business can continue to run seamlessly and without delays. There is no need to log into and out of various 3rd party applications and risk errors while manually transferring data.

“Its built-in capabilities provide us with operational transparency that will strengthen our processes, maintain our quality, and keep us competitive. We are confident that the all-inclusive software will simplify our lives,” Redies continued.

Source: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire

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10 dirty secrets of CRM

Reducing the odds — how to prepare for the impact of big data

The ultimate goal of the set of technologies collectively referred to as big data is to provide the means to improve the accuracy of the decisions and to decrease the latency of making them. In competitive business environments, applying big data is not a choice; it is a necessity to sustain the organisation and achieve growth. In the healthcare area, it is a moral obligation, reducing uncertainty and delivering optimised treatments. In short, big data is the means of reducing the odds.

Big data has been primarily enabled by the ability to collect and consume census-scale data sets with respect to some problem space. Before the advent of big data, analysts relied on sampling from a population and, depending on the size of the samples, were able to come up with some conclusion bound with some level of uncertainty.

At the base of the big data stack is the physical layer — the very large cluster of racks in data centres operated by numerous cloud service providers (CSP) accessible via broad network access. Aside from analytics, the ‘big’ attribute of big data also has meaning in information technology: above a certain threshold in terms of size (tera, petabytes and beyond) data sets cannot be handled with traditional data storage technologies. The prevailing solution in that area is the open-source Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) technology whose specifications are maintained by the non-profit Apache Software Foundation.

From the perspective of a new or prospective big data user, the good news is that there is no need to become an expert in HDFS technology to take advantage of the power of big data. The other great advantage in contemplating big data usage is that it does not require capital expenditure. Instead, it comes from the operational side of the organisation and frees up the ‘big’ headache of procuring hardware. No more is it necessary to allocate a significant amount of time to plan ahead for the right IT infrastructure, hoping to target the right size. However, some planning remains necessary.

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Article Credit: EPM Magazine

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The Cyber Academy: Big Data in Cyber Security 2018

The Cyber Academy, located at Edinburgh Napier University, is set to host an international conference on big data in cybersecurity, as part of the International Conference on Big Data in Cyber Security, which will include speakers in sixdifferent time zones.

The focus of Cybersecurity Revolution will move from Scotland to Canada, then back to Europe via South America and the Far East over the course of an entire day.

The event, which takes place on May 31 2018, is designed to bring together industry, academia and law enforcement to share insights, ideas and expertise and resources in responding to current security challenges. The Napier conference will have a special focus on opportunities and challenges in managing and using big data within a cybersecurity context.

After the Edinburgh conference, Cybersecurity Revolution will continue its march across the planet, encouraging interaction among the research community via video streaming from events at venues including the University of New Brunswick, Université de Montréal, L’Université du Québec (all Canada), Universidad EAN (Colombia), Hallym University (South Korea), Université de Lausanne (Switzerland), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) and the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement.

A research track, will run alongside the conference, organised by Dr Naghmeh Moradpoor, winner of Outstanding Woman in Cyber at last year’s Scottish Cyber Awards.

Adrian Smales, who organised the link with Canadian collaborators and has been involved in the global scale-up, said: “This is a unique event which we hope will build strong bonds across the world. Edinburgh has one of the most advanced infrastructures for research and innovation related to cyber security, and this event highlights its importance to the local economy and its presence on a world stage.”

Professor Bill Buchanan, of Edinburgh Napier’s School of Computing, said: “Threats to organisations increase by the day, and many have responded by moving towards the integration of SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) to detect malicious activity.

“Our conference will share expertise in responding to security challenges, and will launch what could be the largest cyber security event ever, following the sun across the planet.”

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Article Credit: Digit

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Starbucks: Using Big Data, Analytics And Artificial Intelligence To Boost Performance

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Tuesday, 29 May 2018

What Is Integrated ERP?

You’re always hearing that you need an “integrated” Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, but what does that really mean? Find out what integration is, which functions can be integrated and why it helps your business grow.


What is Integration?

Integrating your ERP system is essentially joining functions within departments to functions of other departments to make your business processes go more smoothly. This is accomplished by using interactive modules that allow specific departments to carry out their own functions while having access to the information they need from other departments to complete those functions.

How Does Integration Help?

At first it might sound like you’re trying to encroach on the different responsibilities of each department, but really, it’s all about increased communication. Your company is a synergistic entity; the departments must all take care of their own functions while still meeting the needs of the entire company. To do that, each department must be able to communicate with other relevant departments or outside entities to get the job done. Integration provides that communication through increased access to information with linked modules. Here are a few examples:

• Accounting departments need access to receipts, travel itineraries and meeting or conference agendas to process travel reimbursements. Integrating with end-user travel reports and data can reduce payout times and increase accuracy.

• Supply chain personnel need to know where supplies are needed, where they are coming from and who is available to deliver. Linking inventory control to logistics can prevent duplication of orders and reduce delivery times.

• Marketing specialists need to know how well their campaigns are performing. Providing access to sales data, customer relationship management and social media stats can offer valuable insights to drive growth.

What Functions Can Be Integrated?

Before ERP solutions, people relied on one-on-one (and often, face-to-face) communication that required time and a concerted effort. But now, access to information through various ERP modules creates a seamless flow of information tailored to both individual- and department-level needs. Let’s look at some of the types of ERP modules and functions that can be integrated into one system:

• Accounting and Financial: audit and controls, cash flow planning, consolidation, statutory reporting, payroll

• Human Resources: training, absence management, time management, travel and expenses

• Supply Chain Management: inventory control, transportation and logistics, routing, warehouse management

• Customer Relationship Management: contact information, social media management, loyalty tracking, dispute resolution

• Project Management: scheduling, meeting management, task management, progress tracking

• Data Services: reports, statistics, information health and accuracy

How Does Integration Help Your Business Grow?

Integrated ERP systems provide increased access to information and communication throughout your organization. With cloud-based solutions, integrated ERP can remove the distance between multiple locations and keep data flowing as if everyone were in the same room. Many cloud-based options also include additional mobility by providing apps for smartphones and tablets so your people can access information on the go.

Integrating functions provide a plethora of other benefits, including:

• Increase in data access and reliability

• Reduction of redundant tasks

• Assessment of real-time data

• Discovery of previously unseen business needs, strengths or weaknesses

If you’ve been wondering how you could take your organization to the next level, an integrated ERP system might be the answer. Give your personnel the access and increased communication they need to perform at optimum levels any time and anywhere with integrated ERP.

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Channels you can Leverage for Affiliate Marketing

In  layman’s term, affiliate marketing is an idea to promote others products through some affiliate channels and earn commission in case people buy products through your marketing.

According to Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income “Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.”

Affiliate marketing is a great revenue source for ecommerce stores that helps in the visibility and awareness of the brand.

Who can be an affiliate?

An affiliate can be any person or a company who have their own website through which they can generate traffic through links and send it to the advertiser’s website.

However, this can also be done through social media platforms or websites. In this, an affiliate sends users to the advertiser’s website through Pay per Click campaigns that has been created by the affiliate on google, Facebook and other search engines. Of all these Facebook affiliate marketing is one of the most popular channels.

All this helps the affiliate to send the traffic to the advertiser’s site and receive the commission that has been agreed upon.

Advantages of affiliate marketing:  

There are various affiliate marketing benefits that an affiliate, an advertiser as well as a consumer can reap. The following are some of the benefits that one can receive through affiliate marketing:

  1. It helps the advertisers to create more awareness about their products and services. It gives them an opportunity to display their product on as many platforms as possible.
  2. The basic benefit for an affiliate that all are aware of, is that they can earn commission.
  3. If a good product is being promoted then a consumer also gets to know about it and the consumer gets the good product in hand.
  4. No money is being lost. If a sale is being made then both the parties that is an affiliate and the advertiser share the revenue.
  5. Most importantly, affiliate marketing greatly helps in increasing the eCommerce sales. In the days to come, companies are likely to see an increase in the channel sales. 

Channels of Affiliate Marketing:

There are various channels of affiliate marketing which an affiliate can choose in order to earn commission. Some of these channels are discussed below. You can start affiliate marketing using any of the below channels. For this you don’t need to have a product, you can just promote others products and can receive a pay.

  1. Blogs: Affiliate marketing through blogs has become a very popular way to earn a passive income. In this, bloggers place the affiliate link of the products of the companies in their websites. However, here the blogger will only receive the amount or income when any visitor clicks the link and purchase the product. 

Graphic links, banners, text links can be provided in the website as affiliate links. You should provide a good content to your readers to make them click on the links and purchase the product. If you can attract 500+subscribers that are engaged around your topic then there is a good chances and potential for you to earn through affiliate marketing.

  1. YouTube: There are a lot videos in this point of time in YouTube and so, it can be used for affiliate marketing very well. In this process, videos are created and affiliate links are provided in the video through overlay or in the descriptions. These two methods can be used to redirect the traffic to the affiliate landing page. If one is a serious content creator on YouTube then there is a great chance to have at least one affiliate offer. 

There are various types and formats of videos that a person can make on YouTube. But in order to generate affiliate marketing income there are some standard formats that one can use for the success results. The videos can be on product review, how to videos and best of videos.

  1. Facebook: Facebook is a crucial platform that impacts the choice that a consumer make while buying a product. Facebook is the most visited website and thus provides a large audience to whosoever wants to sell his or her product. Facebook affiliate marketing helps in generating the most effective sales and revenue as Facebook allows people to see the posts, updates, interact with them, comment and share them. 

The basic approach to start  affiliate marketing with Facebook is by sharing thing on your personal page. The more professional way is by creating a group. This will start with just a few followers and will grow from there. Try to provide useful information, products and services in order to gain trust and earn in turn.

  1. Instagram: There are a lot of Instagram users and it can be used as an affiliate marketing platform. Instagram engagement ranks above Tumblr, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest and LinkedIn as well. It is a great and growing platform to interact with people and share photos. Therefore, Instagram can be used for affiliate marketing. 

You just have to create a great profile, post every single day and work with brands that fit with your audience. You have to work on getting as many followers on Instagram as possible for the better results. Make use of more hashtags so that you can put your post in front of thousands of more people then against only your followers.

  1. Twitter: The user base is truly impressive. It is really simple. It involves short messages and allows people to follow other’s tweets. It is very important that you provide an affiliate link on your twitter account for what you are normally writing about. 

Adding an affiliate link that is not par with what you are writing then it is a waste of energy. Provide genuine recommendations to your audience in order to grab their attention. Your followers those who have trust in you will definitely  purchase if you provide the right information and a good product.

As discussed, there are various platforms to start with your affiliate marketing endeavour . However, the best one among them is Facebook affiliate marketing. The reason being the opportunity given by it to interact more, the large number of people on Facebook and see the product live. Therefore, one should try Facebook as an affiliate marketing platform and to generate income.

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The Public Health Accreditation Board Reaches $2 Million Revenue on Sage Intacct

Sage Intacct, the innovation and customer satisfaction leader in cloud financial management solutions, today announced that The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) has grown revenue to $2 million, increased visibility into business health, and improved operational efficiency across the organization using Sage Intacct.

Formed and funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, PHAB, is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization that was founded on a vision for a healthier nation. It aims to improve and protect the health of the public by advancing and ultimately transforming the quality and performance of the nation’s state, Tribal, local, and territorial public health departments. Since its inception, PHAB has evaluated and accredited 221 health departments, benefiting more than 69% of the U.S. population.

Why Sage Intacct?
PHAB leadership found their existing financial management solution could no longer support their quickly evolving financial model, reporting requirements, and pricing structures. PHAB selected Sage Intacct, part of the Sage Business Cloud, to support their increasingly complex revenue recognition.


“Sage Intacct is an ideal partner as we grow because they provide everything we need, said Mark Paepcke, Chief Administrative Officer at PHAB. “We considered a range of systems, including Microsoft Dynamics GP and QuickBooks Online, but were most impressed by the people from Sage Intacct. They were very informative, and it quickly became clear that their software already offered the precise capabilities we needed, as opposed to other vendors who wanted to build complicated revenue recognition customizations for us.”

Since implementing Sage Intacct, PHAB realized significant benefits, including:

Real-time visibility to monitor business health: Utilizing Sage Intacct’s reporting and dashboard capabilities, PHAB’s lean finance team instantaneously reviews key operational and financial metrics, organized by business area, to track revenue and expenses against expected targets.

Enhanced insight to drive mission sustainability: Using true cost data from Sage Intacct, PHAB easily adapts fee structures, maintains organizational income, predicts funding gaps, and forecasts customers needed to sustain accreditation services.

Streamlined financial workflows to increase operational efficiency: With Sage Intacct, PHAB saves more than 100 hours per month on manual accounting tasks, shortening its monthly close by 10 days and reducing the time required for financial review processes during audits.

“We now have easy access to accurate data and go into our finance committee meetings more prepared, so we can have the right conversations about how to move the organization forward versus where the numbers came from,” said Paepcke. “We have full confidence that Sage Intacct will continue to support our growth, even as we look towards potentially adding new educational services and other specialized accreditation services.”

Source: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire

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CRM and GDPR: 8 points you may have missed

We’ve all been hit with endless offers of GDPR webinars and product pitches, so I’m not going to repeat the stuff you can find there. But there are some big-picture points you might not have picked up yet, and they’re worth summarizing here.

Point #0: Talk to your attorneys. Even though the regulations may seem irrelevant to you and your business, ignorance of the law is no excuse … and is definitely not bliss. Even if you do no business in Europe, your business is likely to be affected by GDPR and could incur penalties. Why? Because there are plenty of ways that European citizens can get their data into your systems without your knowledge, and if they’ve done so you’re supposed to be complying with the new regulation.  And the penalties for non-compliance can be surprisingly high. That said, none of this has been tested in court or regulatory appeals yet, so it’s going to be murky territory for a while. Pay your attorneys for practical advice on how to minimize the business risk (even though you’ll see below that it can’t be eliminated).

Related to this are a couple of fundamental disclaimers: I am not an attorney (I don’t even play one on TV), and you must not take anything in this article as legal advice.

Point #1: Ignore screams of “we’re not compliant!” While non-compliance for your company is very likely to be true in the abstract, if you are perfectionist in the interpretation of GDPR everyone is non-compliant. There is no product that can make you compliant, there is no consultant who can guarantee compliance, there doesn’t appear to be a “seal of approval” that certifies compliance, and I would be stunned to find an IT vendor willing to indemnify you if you are non-compliant. (You might be able to get some coverage under your corporate insurance policy, however.) So start with triage and work on the killer risks first.

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Article Credit: CIO

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Why Cloud Customer Success Is New Top Priority For Salesforce, Microsoft, Workday, SAP And Oracle

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From Watson’s five computers to the cloud

There really is no doubt that the world is moving back towards centrally-managed provision in computing.

Ex-CEO of IBM, Thomas J Watson Jr, in 1943 stated that he believed that ‘…there is a world market for about five computers.’, which is often quoted as an early prediction for technology and computing. In fact, Watson may never have said anything of the kind, but that’s a different story. Either way, we have quickly surpassed this prediction, with much more than five computers in use today. The sheer volume of modern devices is something that nobody foresaw in 1943, with the number of connected devices expected to rise to over 55 billion by 2025, up from about 9 billion in 2017.

Many believed personal computers would never catch on in a big way, and that computing would remain primarily a business and political tool, this theory persisted for several decades after Watson Jr’s prediction. So, if we are to take Watson’s words literally and assume he was using the term ‘computers’ in the sense that we use it today, then of course he was wrong.

1940’s advances in computing

The 40’s saw many crucial innovations to computing, mostly driven by the demands of war. The first example of remote access computing occurred in 1940 in New York, where the Complex Number Calculator was showcased, closely followed a year later by Germany’s development of the Z3, the world’s first programmable, automatic computing device. Later in 1941, the UK debuted the Bombe, a computer designed by Alan Turing to decrypt Axis communications during World War II.

Machines, which vaguely resemble what we acknowledge today as a ‘computer’, followed shortly after. But unlike today’s computers, they were so big they required a room to themselves, and almost all were designed to oversee and manage large-scale operations of some kind. The world had to wait until the early 1970s for anything that resembled a personal computing device of the type we use today.

So, to put Watson’s ‘quote’ into context, perhaps he foresaw a future where only five large-scale computing applications were required, to handle large-scale data and functionality of national and international importance. And if that is the case, perhaps he was closer to the truth than has been acknowledged.

The return of central repositories

For in many ways, even though there are so many applications, devices and uses for what might broadly be termed ‘computers’ now, we are returning to the a traditional ‘mainframe’ system, with a large-scale, central repository of processing power and data handling capability. Also known as ‘data centres’, ‘large-scale IT service providers’ or even ‘the cloud’.

If the period between the 1980s and 2010s saw the explosion of home computing, the Internet and technology in general, it could be argued that the world has grown beyond that, now. The Internet is so vast, so flexible and full of potential, so socially and politically important and omnipresent, it has taken on an identity of its own. The idea that it can be conceived of as merely a series of computers talking to each other, seems faintly ridiculous. The world of technology has become bigger than was ever predicted, the volume of data vaster, and we need bigger concepts to capture these phenomena.

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Article Credit: ITProPortal

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Top cloud vendors spend big as race for scale heats up

Global hyper-scale cloud vendors collectively forked out at least US$27 billion in capital expenditure (capex) over the three months ending March, an 80 per cent year-on-year increase, according to Synergy Research Group.

The industry analyst firm’s latest figures suggest that the world’s biggest cloud vendors are ramping up their spending on new data centre assets as the battle for scale among the top players heats up.

The latest quarterly figure comes after a full year that saw hyper-scale capex get to US$74 billion. According to Synergy, much of this hyper-scale capex goes towards building and expanding data centres, which have now grown in number to over 420.

Synergy said that the top five cloud infrastructure spenders consist of Google, Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, Apple and Facebook, although the relative ranking moves around each quarter. Together, these market leaders account for over 70 per cent of hyper-scale capex.

The analyst firm pointed out that capex levels at four of the big five were at an all-time high in the first quarter ending March, including a large one-off item at Google.

“2017 was a standout year for hyper-scale capex, but 2018 has started out with some staggering numbers,” Synergy Research Group chief analyst and research director John Dinsdale said.

“Our detailed quarterly market tracking has consistently shown strong growth in cloud services, SaaS, hyper-scale data centre footprint and spending on public cloud data centre hardware, but even so these capex numbers took us by surprise.

“We have long said that this is a game of scale in which most service providers cannot hope to compete; here is some of the clearest evidence yet,” he said.

Synergy’s research is based on analysis of the capex and data centre footprint of 24 of the world’s major cloud and internet service firms. This includes the largest infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers, along with social networking and e-commerce firms.

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Monday, 28 May 2018

How ERP solutions could address problems of small businesses

In today’s globalised world, Small and medium-sized enterprises in manufacturing are grappling with many challenges to remain competitive and relevant. With limited time, resources, skills and budget, there is a growing need to demonstrate and derive value from every investment made. Many SMEs in manufacturing may not know the value of technology in addressing some of these challenges. Those that do usually worry about the enormous costs of acquiring and running these technologies. Poor decision making in IT investments can have a critical impact on the profitability and sustainability of any business. It is no wonder many SME businesses are risk averse to technology and opt to run their businesses the ‘’traditional way’’ where every process is manual and every transaction recorded in books that are kept under lock and key by the owner.

In reality some of these businesses may be making money. So why do they need to invest in automating processes? If as a business owner you want to save time, accelerate your response time to problems and customer queries, plan ahead with real-time data, mitigate wastage and keep the frown lines off your brow, then you definitely need to automate your business processes. A good way to do this for SME manufacturers is deploying an Enterprise Resource Planning Solution (ERP). While some might be informed on the concept of ERP software and what it can do for them, there is definitely a section of business owners who would like to start with the most basic question – What is ERP?

Let us take a step back and look at all the processes that are central to running a business such as purchasing, production, marketing, invoicing, managing inventory, human resource management, customer relations management, accounting and more. At the basic level, ERP integrates all these processes into one seamless system giving you real-time information in a format that is easy to understand and interpret. For a business owner this means easy access to smarter information which is a necessity to survive cut-throat midmarket competition. It also means boosting your sales and customer satisfaction rate by having real-time data and avoiding delays spent scouting for scattered records. Further, it increases business Intelligence support for quick, dynamic decisions and adjustments whenever necessary. Having too many software for different processes can add to the bureaucracy of management in the crucial growing years. ERP system helps to centralize all these processes.

So why do many SMEs choose not to deploy ERP? Some of the reasons I get include, “we are too small”, “we are doing just fine without it”, “it might disrupt our operations”, “it is too expensive to run”, “it is too complicated”, among others. What is most important to note is that, Big or Small, SME’s to big corporates, all companies derive significant benefits from ERP Solutions.

A good ERP software not only helps with operational efficiency but is also a source of cost savings. syspro an ERP provider, is among the providers of solution for manufacturers that has a seen a number of companies in Kenya increase their business productivity, turn around their customer response time and even boost their sales. A good example of this is a leading dairy processor in Kenya that has been able to reduce the turnaround time for sales orders from 72 hours to 24 hours. This was made possible via an ERP offering where customers were able to sign for orders directly on the sales teams’ smartphones and the orders transmitted instantly to head office. This means that orders are made in near real-time and the supply chain is adjusted accordingly to accommodate the orders, reducing inventory and ultimately improving cash flow for the business, as well as customer satisfaction. As SMEs in manufacturing aspire to grow to the next level, getting an ERP solution should be top of their list. Just like many other products in the market, ERP solutions vary in cost, capabilities, ability to be customised, ease of use and speed of deployment. The trick is to find an ERP solution that addresses your specific business needs whilst remaining cost effective to run. Adopting ERP’s standard best practices can be a gateway for standardization and regional or international markets. Therefore there is no better time for SMEs to consider ERP in the view of advantages that come along with it.

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Elon Musk ‘exactly wrong’ on AI, says Ex-Google chief

 Tesla and SpaceX Founder Elon Musk‘s skepticism about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on human beings is “exactly wrong,” former GoogleCEO Eric Schmidt has said.

Musk thinks that AI is bad for humanity and may spark World War III.

“I think Elon is exactly wrong” about AI, Schmidt said during the “VivaTech” conference in Paris on Friday.

“Musk is concerned about the possible misuse of this technology and I am too but I am more convinced by the overwhelming benefit of AI,” tech website CNET quoted Schmidt as saying.

“AI will make people smarter and this will be a net gain,” said Schmidt who is currently a board member of Alphabet, Google’s parent company.

Earlier, during the same event, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg – who has been in verbal spat with Musk over AI for long — expressed optimism about the possibilities of AI.

“I think that AI is going to unlock a huge amount of positive things, whether that’s helping to identify and cure diseases, to help cars drive more safely, to help keep our communities safe,” he was quoted as saying.

Musk recently warned that if not regulated or controlled soon, AI will become an “immortal dictator” and there will be no escape for humans.

“At least when there’s an evil dictator, that human is going to die. But for an AI there would be no death. It would live forever, and then you’d have an immortal dictator, from which we could never escape,” he said in a new documentary titled “Do You Trust This Computer?”

Musk has always been a critic of AI and asked for stiff regulations to curb the technology.

In a recent tweet, Musk said that people should be more concerned with AI than the risk posed by North Korea.

“If you’re not concerned about AI safety, you should be. Vastly more risk than North Korea,” Musk tweeted.

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Review: the Google News app is a news junkie’s dream come true

Remember when news apps used to be cool? Seriously, there was a time when indie news apps were not only plentiful, they were the darlings of tech and media circles.

At some point the platforms and legacy media companies swooped in and swallowed up most of the good ones. Since then, we’ve been left to rely on the bigger platforms for news. There are exceptions, of course, but it’s no coincidence that the death of the indie news app coincided with the increasing dominance of Twitter, Flipboard, Apple News, and, yes, Facebook.

Where Google fits into all of this, though, was something of a question mark until recently. Though Google News is very popular on desktop, its app has long felt like an afterthought (and a clunky one at that).

That changed earlier this month when the company announced it was launching a brand new Google News app for iOS and Android.

News with a dash of AI

Like all of Google’s recent products, the company’s infused some of its AI smarts into Google News, though it’s not readily apparent from first glance.

The app, which connects to your Google account, is divided into four main sections: For You, Headlines, Favorites, and Newstand. There’s a bit of overlap between the four, but all serve a slightly different purpose.

“For you” is where you can find a personalized feed tailored to your interests. Headlines is more of a general overview, where you can browse news in different categories, like U.S., World, Business, Sports, etc. Favorites is where you can find shortcuts to topics you’ve opted to follow, either specific stories (e.g: U.S. midterm elections), locations, or publications. Finally, Newsstand is a stream of links to specific publications organized by interests.

But what stuck out the most when I started using the Google News app is just how much is in there. If you’re someone who likes to dive into story after story, you definitely won’t be disappointed with the number of options in the app.

If all that sounds a bit overwhelming, then you’ll appreciate the addition of an extra layer of intelligence. This is most apparent in the “For You” section, which surfaces a quick snapshot of all the latest stories you’re most likely to care about based on your habits and interests. (You can also provide feedback in the app with more granular controls like “more stories like this.)

I haven’t been using Google News long enough to truly judge whether the new personalization features are everything Google claims, but what I’ve seen already is promising.

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Article Credit: Mashable

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Edgewater Fullscope Announces GDPR Management Solution Release

Edgewater Fullscope, a leading provider of Microsoft Dynamics 365 (formerly Dynamics AX and CRM), a modern technology platform, has released the GDPR Management Solution for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement, which gives clients a robust set of tools to manage their compliance with key aspects of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), approved by the EU Parliament in April of 2016 and enforceable starting May 25, 2018.


The GDPR Management Solution extends relevant areas of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement (Dynamics CRM) core functionality to facilitate management of consent and data requests in an end to end process, storing an audit trail of key information and providing real-time reporting on compliance efforts. While GDPR will drive many organizational changes, these are three common business scenarios it will drive that can be addressed by the GDPR Management Solution from Edgewater Fullscope:

  1. GDPR requires management of data requests. For example, customers can send in requests for information or requests for erasure—the tools in this solution guide the user through the steps of evaluating, researching, and finally complying with the request, storing a record of the actions in case of future audit.
  2. The GDPR requires opt-in consent from contacts in order to retain and process their data. The tools in the solution can be easily integrated with outgoing email campaigns and/or a customer self-service portal to track both the initial and ongoing efforts to obtain consent, again keeping a record of contact interactions.
  3. Customers wish to update and manage the data that is stored on them. The solution can be extended with the Microsoft Dynamics portal, or a third party portal solution. This allows customers to update their information directly, as well as submit data requests and receive updates on status of their requests.

“Every single one of our customers that in turn has at least one customer in Europe, needs to do something about GDPR, and we have made the process of them addressing compliance much easier and more practical.” says David Kohar, Managing Director at Edgewater Fullscope.

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Amazon Should Be Very Careful About Banning Customers for Making Too Many Returns

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It’s official: Amazon has saved The Expanse

Season 4 is coming to Amazon Prime

It’s official: The Expanse has been saved. After the Syfy Channel canceled The Expanseearlier this month, Alcon Entertainment has confirmed that Amazon will pick up the show for a fourth season, after after outcry from the show’s fans.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos made the announcement at the International Space Development Conference: where he appeared next to members of the show’s cast: “The Expanse is saved.”

Alcon Entertainment Co-Founders and Co-CEOs Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson issued a statement, confirming that Amazon would be picking up the show: “We couldn’t be more excited that The Expanse is going to continue on Amazon Prime! We are deeply grateful that Jeff Bezos, Jen Salke, and their team at Amazon have shown such faith in our show.”

 Set two centuries in the future, The Expanse is based on the novel series by James S.A. Corey (the pen name for Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck), and is set in a colonized solar system. The destruction of an ice-hauling spaceship uncovers a vast conspiracy to exploit the chilly political tensions between Earth, Mars and the inhabitants of the asteroid belt and outer planets, with the crew of a spaceship called the Rocinante in the center of it all. The show is currently airing its its third season, which has finally brought the system to war after a steady increase in tensions between the various factions in the system. The announcement is good news for the show, especially as this week’s episode began a new story arc that opens up the future of the show for a huge range of new possibilities.

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Saturday, 26 May 2018

Bitcoin Mining Is More Popular — And More Destructive — Than Ever

I had been considering the cybersecurity impacts of cryptocurrency mining for several weeks when I saw the recent episode of HBO’s Silicon Valley, where it served as a laugh-out-loud recurring gag.

Throughout the episode, the character Gilfoyle — a gruff, deadpan systems architect — keeps unnerving his coworkers with a jarring blast of the two-second song “You Suffer” by British extreme metal band Napalm Death.

“It’s an alert,” Gilfoyle explains. “Whenever the price of bitcoin dips below a certain value, it is no longer efficient to mine. When it comes back up, it is. I need to know when it breaks that threshold so I can remotely toggle my rig at home … bitcoin is very volatile.”

Clearly, mining bitcoin is now decidedly mainstream, and not just for comedy gold. For many organizations, bitcoin mining gets less amusing as it increasingly forms the motivation for malware and cyberattacks.

When episode writer Carrie Kemper uses the word “volatile,” though, it is an understatement. In April 2015, the value of bitcoin hovered around $230. Last December, it hit a high of nearly $20,000. The following February, it was down to $7,000.

When its value was a couple hundred dollars, bitcoin “mining” wasn’t cost-efficient. It requires a fast internet connection, creates electricity costs through power consumption and cooling, depletes storage space and takes time. When the value of a single bitcoin began to skyrocket, so did the profitability of bitcoin mining — and investment in it.

Couple that rising value with increased competition and a depleting supply of bitcoins and the result is an increasingly serious cybersecurity problem.

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