Sunday, 30 September 2018

Has AI Become A Utility Function?

AI Function

AI Function

AI Function- It’s hard to miss all the attention and hype artificial intelligence (AI) is getting these days. Everywhere you turn there are articles on a myriad of AI-related topics, such as deep learning, machine learning, cognitive computing, computer vision and natural language processing (NLP). These terms are frequently used interchangeably despite meaning very different things — a sign that many people still don’t understand this field. Every conference or event is now an “AI Summit.” More startups are now “AI-based.” And analysts consistently publish new AI statistics that further fuel the hype.

Have we reached an all-time high AI saturation point? What happens if AI doesn’t live up to all this hype? Is it possible that more businesses are now becoming AI-powered businesses? And if so, how did this happen?

AI Is Everywhere

The reality is AI is now everywhere. In some ways, it’s been a logical progression. The eras of big data and cloud have finally converged, creating a significant paradigm shift that has enabled AI to become practical and accessible to both consumers and businesses. The volumes of data that have amassed now have purpose in training sophisticated deep learning models. The cloud provides access to scalable, parallel processing at low cost, enabling cloud vendors to create machine learning algorithms and deploy an artificial intelligence as a service (AIaaS) model.

AI is rapidly becoming a utility function much like electricity and water.

I challenge you to do something today that does not leverage AI and machine learning. Watching your favorite show on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Video? Machine learning powers their recommendation engines. Speaking to your Siri, Alexa or Cortana assistant? That’s NLP translating your voice to action. Driving your car and using Waze or Google Maps? Machine learning algorithms are analyzing real-time traffic data to suggest the best routes. Using a ride-sharing app like Uber or Lyft? Machine learning is determining the wait time and pricing. Use a financial platform like Betterment or Wealthfront? The robo-advisor algorithms automatically rebalance portfolios to increase returns. Getting fraud alerts on your mobile phone? Machine learning algorithms are detecting unusual spending patterns.

The understanding that AI is here and now is elusive to many who believe it’s science fiction. But consumers use it more than they realize. While only 34% think they use AI-enabled technology, 84% actually use an AI-powered service or device, according to a 2017 study by Pegasystems Inc.

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Article Credit: Forbes

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Is Artificial Intelligence Replacing Jobs In Banking?

AI banking

AI banking

AI banking- Over the past 12 months, the banking industry has become increasingly excited about AI. Virtually every leading consultancy has published research on the impact AI will have on the sector and investment continues to pour into developing innovative solutions. But, alongside all the buzz comes the inevitable concern that the implementation of this technology will reduce the need for actual human workers.

The notion here is simple – if a bank can automate a process then surely they don’t need a human to do it. The answer is not as simple, although these sorts of claims are not entirely unfounded. Over the past decade, the digitalization of customer services has led to a decline in the need for front-of-house staff in banks and the subsequent closure of many branches. Similarly, one of the primary areas where banks are implementing new AI solutions is customer services.

Several tier one institutions have developed AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants. J.P. Morgan uses AI to answer customers’ questions and anticipate what their future needs are likely to be, while UBS’s virtual assistant is powered by Amazon Alexa. These products are the ones that are most likely to replace jobs. The more that these products are used, the more they learn, which means that they exponentially improve in their capacity to assist customers without requiring human involvement.

Aside from chatbots and Robotic Process Automation (RPA), which uses similar technology to automate simple administrative tasks such as inputting customer information, the way that banks are currently using AI is not a considerable threat to their employees’ jobs. A priority for several top-tier banks has been to use AI systems for detecting fraudulent activity or money laundering. This has been particularly successful, having dramatically reduced the time that investigators spent on false positive leads. In these instances, rather than reducing the need for human input, the AI-powered systems have alleviated time pressures on existing investigators and afforded them the time to investigate each case in more detail.

Otherwise, the areas of interest to banks in terms of AI varies considerably from one to the next. Some are focusing on using the technology within algorithmic trading, while others are developing solutions that can offer tailored products to each customer depending on their own circumstances. The crucial point here is that these projects are very much still in development and are yet to be deployed extensively.

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15 Business Applications For Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence Machine

Artificial Intelligence Machine

Artificial Intelligence Machine- Understanding how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can benefit your business may seem like a daunting task. But there is a myriad of applications for these technologies that you can implement to make your life easier.

Through AI and ML, your business will benefit as it becomes more efficient at its operations and eliminates those mundane tasks that seem to be slowing you down. Additionally, AI-powered tools and automated systems can help your company improve the use of its resources, with visible effects on your bottom line.

Fifteen members of Forbes Technology Council discuss some of the latest applications they’ve found for AI/ML at their companies. Here’s what they had to say:

1. Powering Infrastructure, Solutions and Services

We’re leveraging AI/ML in our collaboration solutions, security, services and network infrastructure. For example, we recently acquired an AI platform to build conversational interfaces to power the next generation of chat and voice assistants. We’re also adding AI/ML to new IT services and security, as well as hyper-converged infrastructure to balance the workloads of computing systems. – Maciej KranzCisco Systems

2. Cybersecurity Defense

In addition to traditional security measures, we have adopted AI to assist with cybersecurity defense. The AI system constantly analyzes our network packets and maps out what is normal traffic. It is aware of over 102,000 patterns on our network. The AI wins over traditional firewall rules or AV data in that it works automatically without prior signature knowledge to find anomalies. – John SanbornRAA – Financial Advisors

3. Health Care Benefits

We are exploring AI/ML technology for health care. It can help doctors with diagnoses and tell when patients are deteriorating so medical intervention can occur sooner before the patient needs hospitalization. It’s a win-win for the healthcare industry, saving costs for both the hospitals and patients. The precision of machine learning can also detect diseases such as cancer sooner, thus saving lives. – Adam BayaaHeal

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Elon Musk ‘Nuts’ To Call For AI Regulation, Says Facebook’s Chief AI Scientist

AI Scientist

AI Scientist

AI Scientist- Facebook’s chief artificial intelligence scientist Yann LeCun says that Elon Musk is “nuts” to call for regulation on AI at this relatively early stage in its development.

While there have been a number of important AI breakthroughs in the last few years, AI is still fairly nascent. Try having an in-depth conversation with Siri and you’ll soon see. The most sophisticated AI agents can excel at certain narrow tasks, such as games, but they lack common sense and the ability to learn across multiple domains.

Yet Musk has repeatedly warned that AI could spell the end of humanity, saying he thinks the technology has the potential to be more dangerous than nuclear weapons and that it may even spark a third world war. He believes AI should be regulated now before it becomes a danger to all of us.

Asked about Musk calling for AI regulation at Facebook’s New York office last week, LeCun said: “That’s nuts.”

Last year, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg also said Musk’s warnings about AI were “pretty irresponsible”. Musk responded by saying that Zuckerberg’s “understanding of the subject is limited.”

While LeCun has his concerns about AI, he said Musk is overreacting. “He talked to some people who were a little more optimistic in the business that human-level AI was just around the corner.”

Five years ago, these people were saying human-level AI was five to 10 years away, LeCun said. “Most of us who knew what we were doing knew that was just not going to happen that fast.”

“He [Musk] got a little panicky. I think it’s partly because he talked to some of the slightly more dreamer people at DeepMind who have since become much more…it was before they confronted themselves with the realities of AI. It’s much harder than they thought. 

“Then he [Musk] read Nick Bostrom’s book [“Superintelligence”] and put one or two together and said you know, ‘we’re doomed’. He also likes the idea that he’s going to save humanity, right? So that was kind of a perfect.”

Musk was one of the first investors in the DeepMind AI lab, which was acquired by Google for a reported £400 million in 2014.

Musk set up his own $1 billion AI lab called OpenAI in December 2015 with Y Combinator president Sam Altman. “That didn’t make any sense because, you know, ‘I’m going to save humanity from building AI by actually building AI faster than Google and Facebook,” said LeCun. “I don’t know.” Musk is no longer a member of the OpenAI board. 

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Article Credit: Forbes

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Saturday, 29 September 2018

21 Lessons for the 21st Century Summary | Yuval Noah Harari

21 Lessons for the 21st Century Summary

21 Lessons for the 21st Century Summary

21 Lessons for the 21st Century Summary – In an era of relentless change and uncertain futures, governments and individuals alike are grappling with technological, political and social issues unique to the twenty-first century. How should we respond to modern-day phenomena, such as frighteningly intelligent computers, globalization, and the fake news epidemic? And what about the threat of terrorism – should we take action or take a deep breath and relax?

In this article, you’ll discover the answer to all these questions and more. You’ll learn how to futureproof your children by changing your approach to education, what robots and automation mean for the future of white-collar work and why the question of immigration is threatening to destroy twenty-first-century Europe.

Author Yuval Noah Harari has formulated some important lessons to help us deal with these fascinating times. These blinks seek to highlight the six most crucial ones.

In this article, you’ll also find out

  • how technological disruption led to Brexit;
  • why we have more to fear from cars than terrorists; and
  • why we need to teach our children less.

Throughout the twentieth century, three distinct political ideologies vied for world supremacy – communism, fascism and liberalism. Fast-forward to the late twentieth century and liberalism, which celebrates democracy, free enterprise and individual freedoms, was the clear winner. But how will the West’s liberal-democratic system cope in the twenty-first century?
Disturbingly, its vital signs aren’t good – and the revolution in information technology is to blame.

From the 1990s onward, computer technology has arguably transformed our world more than any other force. But despite its massive impact, most politicians seem hardly able to comprehend this new innovation and are even less capable of controlling it.

Just consider the world of finance. Computers have already made our financial system fiendishly complicated – so much so, that very few humans are now able to understand how it works. As the twenty-first century continues and artificial intelligence advances, we may reach a stage where no human will be able to make any sense of financial data. The implications of this scenario for our political process are disturbing. Just imagine a future where governments have to patiently wait for algorithms to give them the green light on their budget or their tax-reform plans.

Unfortunately, for many twenty-first-century politicians, technological disruption isn’t at the top of the agenda. For instance, during the 2016 American presidential election, neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton discussed the implications of……..

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AI is changing cybersecurity, but it’s not a catch-all solution

Artificial intelligence is often confused with automation, but they are separate and distinct solutions to a common problem

cybersecurity is changing

cybersecurity is changing

Cybersecurity is changing- Automation is changing the way that businesses operate. From the factory floor to back-end IT, automated services and machines are increasing speed and productivity while freeing workers up to focus on more skilled tasks.

‘Automation’ is often used synonymously with ‘artificial intelligence’, but although automated machines can use AI, they are very different. Automation is rule-based: ‘If A, then B’. AI, on the other hand, is trained to learn, develop and grow using the data it is given. An AI system is constantly in a state of change.

That means that artificial intelligence is a great fit for cyber security, where malicious actors are continuously developing new attacks. The old signature-based style of defence is no longer enough to protect companies’ crown jewels: their data.

“Cyber-attackers are growing faster and more sophisticated by the day,” said Andrew Tsonchev, director of technology at Darktrace Industrial, the branch of the company that uses AI to secure industrial systems and critical national infrastructure.

“Organisations are facing everything from lightning-speed ransomware to stealthy ‘unknown unknowns’ that bypass traditional perimeter defences to silently carry out espionage over long periods of time. Human defenders simply cannot keep up with modern threats, especially as they manage increasingly complex networks.”

Ron Davidson, CTO of Skybox Security, said: “Signature-based systems are built around the concept of recognising and blocking the exploit and may require a new signature for each variant. The signature-based system doesn’t fix the underlying weakness, though it could shield it for a while.”

He added: “Organisations using traditional methods to deal with their own massive volumes of vulnerability occurrences will only see problems compound.”

Several companies are now automating their security with the help of firms like Skybox, while others are working in the more advanced realms of AI. Darktrace is the leading organisation pushing this development in security and has the most widely deployed enterprise AI; its award-winning Enterprise Immune System defends against new threats and, like the human immune system, operates without prior knowledge or signatures.

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Fujitsu sets up cyber security college in the UK

cyber security UK

cyber security UK

Cyber security UK- In association with University Technical Colleges (UTCs) across England, Fujitsu announced the launch of the University Technical College (UTC) Cyber Security Group, today.

The partnership aims to prepare students aged 14-19 for the cyber security jobs market. With the cooperation of various Security and Private Sector organisations, the group hopes to bridge the security resource and skills gap that organisations currently face.

Fujitsu is aiming to equip a minimum of 500 students a year with the right cyber skills to be able to hit the ground running when they start employment, and to better prepare those moving into Higher Education.

“In a world of connected devices, and increasingly AI and machine learning, the security landscape is seeing exponential growth with attack techniques and sectors changing at an alarming rate. In light of recent attacks it is especially important that we do more to help the next generation of students better understand the positive impact that cybersecurity knowledge can have on their lives and future careers,” said Rob Norris, Vice President of Enterprise and Cyber Security, Fujitsu. “As we fast progress towards a ‘digital first’ nation, we need to ensure we are investing at the very beginning of the digital journey and developing the right skills to support the future digital economy.”

A recent  Tripwire study found that 93% of security professionals are worried about the skills gap in cyber security, while 72% believe it is more difficult to hire skilled security staff to defend against today’s complex cyber attacks compared to a few years ago. The changing face of cyber security has changed the fundamental skills needed

Mike Halliday, Business Relations Manager for UTC Reading, UTC Swindon, and UTC Heathrow, said: “While UTCs are attracting more and more ‘academic’ students, our real strength is in offering a learning journey that allows students to experience a practical education that prepares them for the world of work. Historically students may not have considered entering a cybersecurity profession, often meaning they missed out on a career that they could be good at, and one in which they’d find purpose and fulfilment.”

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10 Tactics For Teaching Cybersecurity Best Practices To Your Whole Company

Teaching Cybersecurity

Teaching Cybersecurity

Teaching Cybersecurity- Smart leaders know that their entire team needs to be well-educated on the importance and best practices of cybersecurity if they hope to protect their data. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done, especially when it comes to training your non-tech employees. Using too much jargon and technical terms will only disengage them, leaving them less prepared and less vigilant.

While you don’t necessarily need to “dumb down” cybersecurity training for non-techies, you do need to present the information in a way that’s relatable and easy to understand. Here’s how the members of Forbes Technology Council recommend approaching this task.

1. Explain The Business Benefits Of Secure Data

Traditionally teams have been educated on security using fear, uncertainty and doubt. Cybersecurity in today’s world is best executed inline, which means that every function, role and team member is responsible for protecting the business. So, the best way to educate the team is by explaining how cybersecurity can be a business enabler. – Sameer Shelke,

2. Use Metaphors And Analogies That Apply To Them

I use metaphors and analogies. In healthcare I talk about the immune system; in manufacturing, I talk about an organic assembly line, etc. Make the conversation clear and relevant to the audience in an area they are familiar with. – Sultan MeghjiVirtova

3. Personalize Your Training By Department

Education programs aimed at specific roles and users have the highest impact. Developers learn differently than marketers, sales different than support. Providing an easy to consume, targeted training that regularly maps cybersecurity issues to someone’s role and KPIs have always worked best. Once you demonstrate how cybersecurity can enable and augment someone’s job, engagement will follow. – Jacek

4. Highlight The Positive Progress

In a monthly newsletter, we give employees a report card of progress ensuring to call out the positive improvements that have been made since the last update. Real life examples and metrics as well as simulation results and “How To Avoid…” tips also help make the newsletter more of a consumable read for the non-tech employee. – Stephanie RobertsSunrun

5. Stick To The Basics And Practical Aspects

There is no point in going into the technical ways cybersecurity works. We focus on what to look for in terms of suspicious activity. We use simple language and hands-on practice to show employees why the security we have works. – Chalmers BrownDue

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Cybersecurity start-up Darktrace raises $50 million

Cybersecurity Darktrace

Cybersecurity Darktrace

Cybersecurity Darktrace- cybersecurity business Darktrace has raised $50m (£38m) in new funding, bringing the company’s valuation to $1.65bn, up from a valuation of $1.25bn in May.

Darktrace uses artificial intelligence software to automatically detect cyber threats to customers’ networks. The business says its Antigena product can respond automatically to cybersecurity problems within two seconds. Clients include Gatwick Airport and US insurer AIG.

The new investment into the business comes mainly from Vitruvian Partners, the London-headquartered private equity firm which has also backed Farfetch, the fashion marketplace, and food delivery business Just Eat.

Other funding comes from existing investors KKR and 1011 Ventures. Poppy Gustafsson, one of Darktrace’s two chief executives, said that the funding would go towards international expansion and hiring globally.

Darktrace was founded in Cambridge in 2013 by a group of university scientists and cybersecurity experts. The business continues to maintain an office in Cambridge, but has also expanded to 30 offices and more than 750 employees.

Ms Gustafsson said that Cambridge “is the core of our organisation and will continue to be very important to us”, even as the business expands overseas. “We’ll be having many new hires in both Cambridge and London,” she said.

Many former employees of the security services are involved in the business. The company’s director of technology, Dave Palmer, previously worked at MI5 and GCHQ. The company’s board includes former MI5 director general Lord Evans and Alan Wade, the former chief information officer of the US Central Intelligence Agency.

The business’ most recent accounts showed that losses more than doubled as the company went on a hiring spree. The filings also showed that annual sales had increased from £17.1m to £30.8m.

One of the company’s most prominent backers is Invoke Capital, the venture capital fund run by Autonomy founder Mike Lynch.

Mr Lynch set up his investment fund after selling his software business Autonomy to Hewlett Packard in 2011. Hewlett Packard eventually wrote down much of the cost of the acquisition and accused Mr Lynch of fraud. A lawsuit brought against Mr Lynch by HP in the UK has been delayed to next year.

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Article Credit: Telegraph

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Friday, 28 September 2018

Here’s Why You Need To Stop Microsoft Telemetry From Running On Your System

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WhatsApp Hacking App for Kids and Teens

Instant messaging is one of the most common activities these days all around the world. Users have plenty of options when it comes to social media apps that provide free services to the users without asking for a single penny, but to connect the device with the internet is in particular.

The contemporary social networking apps empower the users to use the state of the art features for the purpose of communication either verbal or non-verbal. You can send and receive text messages; text messages conversations, share media stuff in the shape of videos and photos and last but not the least you can also send Voice messages to your friends and loves ones such as kids and teens.

As for parenting has is concern WhatsApp hacking apps have made the headlines over the few years because the digital vulnerabilities have created issues for young kids and teens. Nowadays, the social media sickness is on the rise and parents really want to monitor their kid’s online activities. So people are trying to have WhatsApp monitoring software for teens.

How to get WhatsApp spy app for the Teens?

Hacking WhatsApp instant messaging app means you are want to genuinely spy on your loved one’s cell phone device. Obviously, the social messaging app does not run on its own device or hardware, it has to be initiated at smartphones of different operating systems such as Android and iOS and others that are compatible with the instant messaging app.

On the other hand, teens use the messenger mostly on cell phones and gadgets such as tablets, tabs, and pads. Therefore, you just need to track the cell phone of your teens initially and then you will be able to hack WhatsApp social messaging app.

So, you have to have the best WhatsApp hacking software for kids. All you need to do is to find out the best of the best WhatsApp spy app to hack the messenger of your loved one and get to know the activities he/she has performed on the target device.

Install cell phone spy app on your Kids device & monitor WhatsApp

All you need to do is to subscribe for the Ogymogy cell phone monitoring software and then you will get an email that will contain the passcode and ID. Once you have it, you are free to get physical access to the target mobile phone and install the phone spy app to hack installed WhatsApp instant messaging app to monitor kids. Once you have ended up with the installation process, you need to activate the spy software for cell phones on the target device. Remember, when you are trying to activate the cell phone surveillance app on child smartphone. You will get a popup messages on the target device screen that contains two options.

The first one would be, you can use the cell phone tracking software secretly and you can use it with the consent or openly. Now make your best decision according to your needs and then activate it on the mobile phone. When you have done it, then use the credentials and get access to the online control penal of the mobile phone spy app for teens.

Once you have the access to the online control panel, it means you are in the position to fire your bullets on target. You just need to find out the WhatsApp hacking app tools and you will be able to spy on your kids WhatsApp social messaging app to the fullest. Use following mentioned WhatsApp spy software tools and keep an eye on your loved one’s WhatsApp activities.

IM’s Social Media

You can use it and get your hands on WhatsApp logs such as text messages, chat conversations, audio, and video conversations shared media files such as photos and videos and last but not the least sent WhatsApp Voice messages. It means, your child would not be able to hide any activity he/she has performed on the social media app WhatsApp and you can get all the information of the activities with a complete time stamp.

Live WhatsApp Screen recording

You can do the WhatsApp live screen recording of the kid’s cell phone when he/she is using WhatsApp. You can record short back to back videos of the screen in real-time and can view the videos by getting access to the dashboard and get to know to whom your child is in contact with the most.


You can remotely get screenshots of each and every single activity that has performed on the target WhatsApp messenger with a complete time stamp. You can capture screenshots of text messages, chat conversations, shared media files and plenty of other activities that ultimately keeps you updated.

Cell phone spy app is the ultimate tools that enable a user to hack the WhatsApp messenger of the child and keep the user informed regarding all activities.

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Cosmos Carl Sagan Summary | 6-Minute Summary

Cosmos Carl Sagan Summary

Cosmos Carl Sagan Summary

Cosmos Carl Sagan Summary – Sometimes the drama of life can be overwhelming. Forgot to pick up your sister from the airport? Flunked another exam? At times like these, it may seem that your life is all-consuming and has taken over every iota of the earth’s energy. But, of course, there are billions of other people in the world. And as for the earth itself, well, that is just the smallest bit of grit in an ever-expanding universe. What have you got to worry about?

Carl Sagan’s talents lay in making the difficult relatable. And in many ways, nothing is more massive than the Cosmos. Learning about the universe isn’t always about difficult math. It’s as much a history lesson as a science lesson. Following on from Sagan’s lead, these blinks take you on a journey through humanity’s interest in the universe and space from prehistoric times through to the greatest voyages of space exploration in the twentieth century.

In this article, you’ll learn

  • what alien life-forms might think of us;
  • which Greek was no flat-earther; and
  • about one of Einstein’s famous thought experiments.

The history of humankind has long been confined to earth. To us, it is everything, quite literally our world. But compared to the universe as a whole, the earth is really just a speck within a speck of dust. That’s because the size of the universe, or the Cosmos, is almost beyond comprehension.
In fact, it’s so big that we’ve had to create a special unit of measurement based on the speed of light.

Light is the fastest thing in the universe: in just one second it travels 186,000 miles or 300,000 km. That, in relatable terms, is equivalent to seven times around the earth.

Based on that, when scientists talk about the Cosmos, they use light-years. That’s the distance that light travels in a whole year. To put a figure on it, about 6 trillion miles, or 10 trillion km!

If that wasn’t already remarkable enough, consider that the Cosmos has contained within it roughly a…………

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Do you know where your ERP roadmap is taking you?

ERP roadmap

ERP roadmap

ERP roadmap- Every enterprise software customer wants to know their vendor’s roadmap – the plan for how products will evolve, change, and hopefully support their business. But where vendors lead will not always be where you want to follow.

At a time when pressure to move to the cloud is forcing IT leaders to rethink their application strategies, the enterprise needs its own roadmap. This is particularly true for ERP in the cloud. While “enterprises are moving to the cloud,” that’s not the same as “enterprises are moving their ERP applications to the cloud.” Even if you decide your ERP belongs in the cloud, the right route for you may not be what the vendor has mapped out.

Smart decisions about cloud technology require understanding the types of cloud services and the scenarios they fit. For example, Software as a Service (SaaS) has made far more of an impact in application segments like CRM and marketing automation than it has in ERP. While both SAP and Oracle have begun pushing SaaS ERP, the early success stories have been relatively small businesses and divisions of larger ones – not complex, global enterprises. Great SaaS success stories like Salesforce significantly reimagined the software categories they brought to the cloud. We have yet to see that in ERP.

In fact, most innovation in cloud and enterprise technologies is happening outside of ERP. That should be no surprise because what enterprises value most in an ERP is stability and reliability. By nature, innovation is about embracing risk. Innovative businesses seek to find the right balance between risk and reward – but not at the risk of being unable to close their books at the end of the quarter.

This article is adapted from my white paper, “The World of Enterprise Applications is Changing – Is It Time to Reroute your ERP Roadmap?” You can read a more detailed analysis there, drawn from the years I spent researching the ERP market. Here are a few essential points:

  • Make ERP roadmap decisions based on business goals like business transformation, modernisation, or cost cutting, not on vendor ultimatums or ease of acquiring and installing cloud technologies.
  • Years may pass before there is functional parity between your incumbent ERP solution and Software as a Service (SaaS) ERP. For most enterprises, the full ERP application suite should not move to SaaS ERP, at least for now.
  • Start your cloud journey with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Getting your ERP out of the data centre is the most cost effective, least disruptive move to the cloud you can make.
  • Make focused investments in SaaS technologies that let you innovate faster.

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Article Credit: ITProPortal

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Developer goes rogue, shoots four colleagues at ERP code maker

ERP code

ERP code

ERP code- Cops have named the programmer who went on a gun rampage at WTS Paradigm – a US maker of enterprise resource planning software – this week. He shot four colleagues, leaving one in a critical condition.

At around 10.20am on Wednesday, Anthony Tong, 45, who had worked at the company in Middleton, Wisconsin, for little over a year, showed up at the office, pulled out a concealed gun, and opened fire. Staff fled the building, and took shelter in nearby businesses.

The scumbag then shot at police officers who showed up within minutes of the attack on WTS Paradigm. The cops returned fire, taking down their suspect. He was pronounced dead on arrival to hospital.

“The entire WTS Paradigm team is shocked and heartbroken by the incident that occurred today at our Middleton office,” the ERP company said in a statement yesterday.

“Our deepest thoughts are with all of our staff and their loved ones. In a situation like this, you learn how great a community really is. We cannot thank the Middleton Police Department, the Dane County Sheriff’s Office, and other emergency personnel enough for their amazing response.”

In a press conference on Thursday, police said the dead man had worked at WTS since April of last year, did not have a criminal history, and was acting alone at the time of the shooting. At this time, there is no indication as to what caused the murderous outburst and they have appealed for witnesses to get in contact.

One victim is still in a critical condition, while two others have serious injuries. A fourth worked received a graze from a bullet. The victims have not been identified.

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Article Credit: The Register

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Why Oracle’s ERP Product Holds the Key to Its SaaS Cloud Success

ERP Success

ERP Success

ERP Success- Oracle (ORCL) continues to boost its ERP (enterprise resource planning) product portfolio, mostly through acquisitions and launching new products. In April, it bought SparklineData, which offers smart data warehouse solutions. That month, it also acquired Vocado, a cloud-based financial aid solutions provider.

These acquisitions could allow Oracle to not only step up its SaaS (Software as a Service) business but also keep pace with other cloud operators such as Amazon’s (AMZN) AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Microsoft’s (MSFT) Azure cloud platform.

total cloud & license (SaaS & ERP)

From the graph above, you can see Oracle’s total cloud and license business, comprised of both Application and Platform and Infrastructure revenues, which grew at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 0.6% in the last five quarters. In the first quarter of fiscal 2019, Application and Platform and Infrastructure revenues increased 65 and 1%, respectively, YoY (year-over-year).

ERP products are the key performers

Oracle dominates the ERP cloud market with ~20,000 Fusion and NetSuite customers. It exited the first quarter of fiscal 2019 with ~5,500 Fusion ERP customers. In that same quarter, the NetSuite ERP customer count was ~15,000.

Most of Oracle’s new ERP clients came from SAP1 on-premise and Workday (WDAY) cloud ERP systems. Around 66% of its applications support revenue came from ERP or HCM (human capital management) adoption. The ongoing shifting of workloads and applications to the Oracle cloud by existing clients may continue to drive Oracle’s SaaS business.

In the last 12 months, revenue generated from the SaaS cloud category is mostly recurring in nature. The company reported 40% growth in Fusion ERP revenue in the first quarter of fiscal 2019. Its NetSuite business had a great run in the reported quarter. It saw ~39% YoY growth in bookings in the first fiscal quarter. Oracle also anticipates double-digit revenue growth from its SaaS ecosystem in fiscal 2019.

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Article Credit: MarketRealist

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Thursday, 27 September 2018

Top Tips for Choosing an ERP Solution

Tip for Choosing an ERP Solution

Tip for Choosing an ERP Solution

Is your growing midsized company too big for its accounting software and ready for functionality that supports a wider range of business operations?Your best bet maybe to implement a modern enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution.

For more than 20 years, ERP systems have helped companies achieve profitable growth by maintaining tighter control over their business processes. Meanwhile, software vendors have consistently enhanced the functionality and usability of their systems.

You can now find dozens of ERP systems that may appear meet most of your needs—but that doesn’t mean all systems are created equal. The ERP system you choose today should support your growth over at least the next five to ten years. Choose wisely, and you can garner a significant ROI from your implementation. Choose the wrong system, and you could be in for a costly replacement that causes significant disruption to your business activities.

What should you keep in mind as you evaluate systems? Here are 9 tips for choosing the right ERP solution.

Business Requirements

  1. Consider how many business entities you have (or plan to have).

You may think that as the years go by, your company will remain much the same as it is now—only bigger and more profitable. But you can’t foresee every business opportunity. What if you end up launching a whole new line of products or services that would be best managed as a separate business entity?

Don’t get stuck on an ERP that doesn’t support multiple entities. Acumatica Cloud ERP gives you the intercompany accounting capabilities you’ll need to settle the books across all your business divisions.

  1. Make sure you’ll be able to produce reports without burdening IT.

ERP systems collect and allow you to analyze vast amounts of data—and that’s a good thing. But traditional ERP systems didn’t make it very easy to get the data out of them. Business users had to work with IT to generate the reports they needed for their day-to-day decision-making.

The good news is that today’s better ERP systems come with prebuilt reports that put data at your fingertips—and these reports are easy to customize without the need to write code. Learn about Acumatica ERP’s reporting features.

  1. Carefully evaluate each vendor’s industry-specific functionality.

Core ERP functionality can help any business run better. But that doesn’t mean one size fits all. Depending on which industry you’re in, you may have specialized business processes that you need your ERP platform to support.

If so, choose an ERP vendor that offers modules tailored for your industry.

Acumatica offers Manufacturing ERP Software, Construction ERP Software and many other Editions designed to fit your specific industry needs.

  1. Demand sophisticated CRM functionality built in, rather than implementing a separate solution.

For too many ERP vendors, CRM seems to be an afterthought. They either don’t provide any CRM functionality because they figure you’ve already implemented your own solution, or they offer very basic CRM features that won’t help your company grow.

Hold out for an ERP platform that integrates CRM into all your business activities. Acumatica Cloud ERP offers CRM built right into the product.

Technical Issues

  1. Consider how you’ll build integrations.

Let’s face it: even the most comprehensive ERP platform isn’t going to meet every business need. Even after your implementation, you’ll continue using other software applications to manage specific business processes. But you’ll want your ERP platform to be your system of record—the one solution that all other solutions talk to. That way, you can maintain a single version of the truth for all your business data.

So, be sure your ERP vendor provides a powerful application programming interface (API) that makes it easy to integrate your systems. One example is Acumatica’s API.

  1. Figure out your ideal implementation scenario and then make sure your solution supports it.

Many fast-growing companies are intrigued by the idea of using cloud software that’s hosted elsewhere and places minimal demands on the IT team. But some would prefer to implement their new ERP platform on-site. And still others envision a hybrid model in which some modules are installed in the corporate data center or server room and others are hosted.

If you’re not sure about which type of deployment will work best for you over the years to come, make sure you choose a cloud ERP vendor that offers deployment flexibility. Acumatica Cloud ERP isn’t just a hosted solution—it also gives you the option of deploying on-site or in a hybrid model, and even changing as your needs dictate.

  1. Make sure your solution will work on all your devices.

Your employees are probably already performing more and more business functions on their mobile devices. This trend used to present a challenge to IT teams. But today’s best cloud ERP systems are designed to deliver content and functionality to a wide range of devices while keeping your systems and data safe from unauthorized access.

For example, Acumatica Cloud ERP is built to provide the same functionality on any device while also leveraging the unique capabilities of each device. Find out how.

  1. Consider how maintenance and upgrades could disrupt your business activities.

If you implement an on-premises ERP system, you’ll be responsible for maintaining it so that it continues to run well. You’ll also need to upgrade it regularly so that you don’t get left behind on an unsupported version of the software. Both of these processes may require you to take your system offline, which will decrease productivity.

Cloud ERP systems reduce this burden because they’re maintained and upgraded by the vendor. But some cloud ERP solutions release a couple of major upgrades per year, which can disrupt your business processes. Acumatica Cloud ERP, on the other hand, continuously releases enhancements throughout the year and makes upgrades as painless as possible. Learn more about ERP version upgrades

  1. Consider your total cost of ownership (TCO).

Our last tip may be our most important: when you’re considering the cost of any potential ERP solution, be sure to look at more than the sticker price. Consider how much the solution will cost you over time.

Did you know that most cloud ERP vendors charge you by the number of users you add to the system? That means that even users who only log on twice a month must have a license just like your daily users. By contrast, Acumatica charges you only for the computing resources you use.

You should also take into account how much your ERP system will cost you in terms of ongoing hardware costs, maintenance expenses, and people costs. To estimate your long-term costs, try the Acumatica TCO calculator.


Remember: your new ERP system will have a profound effect on your company’s efficiency and productivity over the next five to 10 years. We hope these tips help you make the right choice.

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No Drama Discipline Summary | Daniel J. Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson

No Drama Discipline summary

No Drama Discipline summary

No Drama Discipline summary – Parenthood is an enriching experience like no other, but that doesn’t mean it can’t get tough sometimes. When it comes to raising children, it can be difficult to know to what extent you should let them express themselves freely and when you should intervene.

Moreover, disciplining a child is not always an easy task and can often be emotionally draining. Arguments over small things – such as washing the dishes or turning off the TV – can quickly escalate, putting pressure on your relationship and well-being.

It’s therefore essential to discipline your child in a positive manner. The authors explain how effective disciplining can only be achieved by first understanding how the brain works. By following their advice, your children will become more receptive to your parenting which, over time, will strengthen the bond between you.

In this article, you’ll learn

  • the difference between the upstairs and downstairs brain;
  • how to connect with your children; and
  • what to do when your child has a meltdown.

Think back to the last time you disciplined your child for misbehaving. What did you do? Perhaps you lectured them, yelled at them or put them in time-out?

But have you really thought about what you’re doing when disciplining a child?
Conventional discipline uses a standard approach of punishment and fear instead of focusing on the development of the child.

To explore this further, let’s take a look at time-outs: this method is used by even the most loving parents, who expect the child to utilize the time-out to reflect on their misbehavior. But that rarely happens. Instead, children usually spend the time reflecting on how to mean their parents are, which tends to escalate the situation.

Another traditional form of discipline is spanking. When spanked, children become more fearful of their parent’s actions, rather than focusing on their own behavior – thus making this physical punishment counterproductive.

Time-outs and spanking are applied to misbehaving children regardless of the situation, but inducing fear and resentment isn’t helpful to either the parents or the kids. What if……….

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In Wake of ‘Major Failure,’ Bitcoin Code Review Comes Under Scrutiny

Bitcoin Code Review

Bitcoin Code Review

Bitcoin Code Review- “Shock” is perhaps the word that best describes the mood ever since one of bitcoin’s most severe bugs was discovered and patched last week.

As the community reels over the vulnerability that was hiding in the code for two years, and that could have been exploited to print more bitcoins than the 21 million is hard-coded to be produced, developers are wondering: Is there a way to prevent such a severe bug from being added to the code again?

Days after the discover, there hasn’t been any formal proposals. But that’s not to say the event hasn’t prompted discussion about how bitcoin works and how similar bugs in the cryptocurrency’s most popular software implementation, Bitcoin Core, can be identified and resolved in the future.

It’s an important question, too – What if a malicious actor had found the exploit first? What if there are other hidden bugs in the code right now?

To this point, pseudonymous bitcoin subreddit moderator ‘Theymos’ urged the community not to forget the bug.

He argued it was “was undeniably a major failure” in a widely-circulated post, adding:

“If all of Bitcoin Core’s policies and practices are kept the same, then it’s inevitable that a similar failure will eventually happen again, and we might not be so lucky with how it turns out that time.”

That said, there’s an argument to be made that Bitcoin Core, powered by an open network of global participants, now has a more robust process for code review than at any time in the technology’s history.

Right now, the implementation has more developers than ever contributing to the open-source codebase. And it is tested quite a bit; by one estimate, tests make up nearly 20 percent of the codebase.

The community’s ‘fault’

Still, developers argue more could be done to make sure the digital money works smoothly.

Theymos thinks one avenue would be to build “more sophisticated” tests tailored at locating severe, but hard to find bugs, like the one last week. “Perhaps all large bitcoin companies should be expected by the community to assign skilled testing specialists to Core,” he continued, adding:

“Currently a lot of companies don’t contribute anything to Core development.”

Bitcoin Core contributor James Hilliard stressed much the same, suggesting that developers can increase the “amount” and “quality” of testing. Though, this might be easier said than done. Bitcoin Core contributor Greg Maxwell agreed in Theymos’s thread that testing is important, but the quality and detail of the tests is important.

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Article Credit: Coindesk

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Bitcoin Takes Another Huge Leap Towards Mainstream Acceptance

Bitcoin Leap

Bitcoin Leap

Bitcoin Leap- Bitcoin has been taking giant strides towards mainstream acceptance over the last couple of years, boosted by its bull run last year that made bitcoin and cryptocurrency household terms — and now bitcoin has been given a badge of approval reserved for only the most important new technologies.

Bitcoin has been added to the Merriam-Webster Scrabble dictionary, many people’s go-t0 source for Scrabble approval (though official Scrabble tournaments use a different list that includes offensive words as well as words up to 15 letters long).

This is the latest signal that bitcoin is penetrating the global consciousness, which could in turn mean a fresh wave of investment into cryptocurrenices as more people become aware of bitcoin and its peers.

Last month bitcoin was mentioned on U.S. rapper Eminem’s latest album “Kamikaze” — a sign that bitcoin is slowly penetrating to different levels of society and out of the financial, fintech bubble it’s existed in for the last 10 years.

Public awareness has been a major driver of the bitcoin price, which last year ballooned to almost $20,000 from around $1,000 per coin at the beginning of the year. The bitcoin price has since fallen back, dragging most other major cryptocurrencies with it, and is now trading at around $6,500.

Last year’s bull run meant a raft of bitcoin mentions in film, TV, and music as producers both praised and attacked the digital currency — that made many overnight millionaires and brought on the ire of the established financial industry.

Bitcoin google search trends chart

Google searches for bitcoin peaked in December last year.GOOGLE

Four years after the last refresh, Merriam-Webster released the sixth edition of “The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary” yesterday.

Some of the other words added alongside bitcoin, many of which sure to cause frustration and arguments amongst family members and friends, are: ‘Ew,’ ‘bizjet’, ‘aquafaba,’ ‘facepalm,’ ‘hivemind,’ ‘macaron,’ ‘yowza,’ ‘beatdown,’ ‘zomboid,’ ‘twerk,’ ‘sheeple,’ ‘wayback,’ ‘bokeh,’ ‘frowny,’ ‘puggle,’ ‘nubber‘ and, one we’ve all be waiting for: ‘OK’.

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Article Credit: Forbes

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Better Together: SAP and Intel Partner to Advance Enterprise Blockchain Goals

SAP Intel

SAP Intel

SAP Intel- Most of the discussion about blockchain technology centers on the software side of things – how DApps and smart contracts can improve transactions, how blockchain protocols can be optimized and so on.

But you need hardware to operate a blockchain, too. And if you’re a large enterprise, you probably don’t want to settle for the “mining rigs” that have become popular among miners on public blockchains like Bitcoin. You want enterprise-class hardware designed with the specific needs of enterprise blockchain applications in mind.

So where do you look if you’re seeking enterprise-class software and hardware blockchain technologies? SAP and Intel hope you’ll turn to them. This month, the companies announced a new partnership designed to bring integrated software and hardware blockchain solutions to the enterprise.

Vying for a Piece of the Blockchain Pie

If you follow enterprise blockchain news, you’re probably familiar with SAP’s recent ventures into the world of blockchain software. In June, the German-based company announced a blockchain service for its enterprise cloud computing platform, called SAP Cloud Platform Blockchain. It’s designed to help enterprises and enterprise consortiums build blockchains using SAP’s cloud infrastructure.

At the same time, the company announced a solution called SAP HANA Blockchain, which makes it possible to use SAP’s cloud-based data management tools in conjunction with blockchain data. That may sound relatively boring from a business point of view, but from a technical perspective, SAP HANA Blockchain could be a groundbreaking project. It enables users to interact with data stored on a blockchain (provided the blockchain lives in SAP’s cloud) using standard SQL queries, instead of having to learn a new set of skills.

For its part, Intel has not jumped into the distributed ledger world as wholeheartedly. Apart from its work on Hyperledger Sawtooth , the chip maker hasn’t made many headlines for its moves in the blockchain ecosystem.

It turns out, however, that Intel has been quietly working on hardware optimizations in its processors that it said “can improve the privacy, security, scalability and trust across blockchain networks” and build what it terms ” Trusted Infrastructure .” Although the company has yet to release detailed documentation about how these optimizations work in conjunction with blockchain applications specifically, it indicated that they include optimizations for cryptographic algorithms, which can be useful for speeding the heavy-duty number crunching that is part and parcel for most blockchain architectures.

It also said that its Software Guard Extensions feature “can help protect blockchain transactions, and help improve throughput and consensus efficiency.” That feature basically allows developers to enable hardware-level protections that prevent certain code from being modified or accessed. However, it wasn’t designed specifically for blockchain-related applications, and Intel might be overselling the feature’s ability to secure blockchain transactions. It’s unclear how the ability to protect code translates into more secure transactions on a decentralized network. But it likely can’t hurt.

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Article Credit: Nasdaq

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