Thursday, 19 April 2018

The 6 Best Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses For 2018

A basic grounding in the principles and practices around artificial intelligence (AI),automation and cognitive systems is something which is likely to become increasingly valuable, regardless of your field of business, expertise or profession.

Fortunately, today you don’t have to take years out of your life studying at university to become familiar with this seemingly hugely complex technology. A growing number of online courses have sprung up in recent years covering everything from the basics to advanced implementation.

Some are aimed at people who want to dive straight into coding their own artificial neural networks, and understandably assume a certain level of technical ability. Others are useful for those who want to learn how this technology can be applied by anyone, regardless of prior technical expertise, to solving real-word problems.

In this post I will give a rundown of some of the best free ones which are available today.

Learn with Google AI

This newly launched resource is part of Google’s plan to broaden the understanding of AI among the general public. Material is slowly being added but it already contains a Machine Learning with TensorFlow (Google’s machine learning library) crash course.

The course covers the ground from a basic introduction to machine learning, to getting started with TensorFlow, to designing and training neural nets.

It is designed so that those with no prior knowledge of machine learning can jump in right at the start, those with some experience can pick or choose modules which interest them, while machine learning experts can use it as an introduction to TensorFlow.

Google – Machine Learning

This is a slightly more in-depth course from Google offered through Udacity. As such, it isn’t aimed at complete novices and assumes some previous experience of machine learning, to the point where you are at least familiar with supervised learning methods.

It focuses on deep learning, and the design of self-teaching systems that can learn from large, complex datasets.

The course is aimed at those looking to put machine learning, neural network technology to work as data analysts, data scientists or machine learning engineers as well as enterprising individuals wanting to make use of the plethora of open source libraries and materials available.

Stanford University – Machine Learning

This course is offered through Coursera and is taught by Andrew Ng, the founder of Google’s deep learning research unit, Google Brain, and head of AI for Baidu.

The entire course can be studied for free, although there is also the option of paying for certification which could certainly be useful if you plan to use your understanding of AI to increase your career prospects.

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Article Credit: Forbes

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